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Ways of Purchasing a Car: Bidding
THE BID OPTION: Whatever bidding you see and whatever bids you are submitting through our website is PRE bidding. For example you can place your maximum bid as $10,000 and if your bid was the highest bid of the PRE bidding round your bid will be submitted at the live sale. If your bid is the highest bid of the live sale and meets the seller reserve then you are the winner. If the seller reserve price is lower than your maximum bid and no one outbid you during the live sale then you can win the vehicle for less than your maximum bid. Remember if your maximum bid is $10,000 you can potentially win the vehicle for less than your maximum bid, assuming that it is greater than any other bids and seller reserve price is met.

Please note, if you are the highest bidder during the live sale and reserve has not been met the vehicle can still be sold to you on seller’s approval.

Make BID
Every vehicle with a bidding option allows you to request live on the PHONE BIDDING with one of our sales representatives. If you submit a live on the phone request you will receive an email with an approximate time of the sale and will be contacted by one of our sales representatives 5 minutes before the bidding starts. During the live sale our sales representative will tell you the current bid amounts and you will tell him whether to bid or stop.

Please note the sale is very quick with approximately 3 seconds between bids.
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